9/10/2018 – 19:30
De Studio
Since 2011 the American reed player and composer Ken Vandermark uses Made To Break as a perfect vehicle elevating his ideas about modular improvisation and composition to a whole new level. Therefore Made To Break can rock out, excel in abstraction or quietly refocus as they please. On the first seven releases of this quartet and during the scorching concert int the Oorstof Series in 2014 it already was clear that elements of dub, rock, funk and jazz found their way in Made To Break’s total sound.
On Tuesday October 9th Made To Brake again will be a guest in the Oorstof Series for an exclusive Belgian concert at DE Studio. The perfect reason for this new passage is the fantastic Trebuchet (Trost), a five star release produced by Shellac’s Bob Weston. Ken Vandermark, American drummer Tim Daisy, Dutch bass and guitar player Jasper Stadhouders and Austrian electronics manipulator Christof Kurzmann are playing on a razor’s edge on this seriously rocking release and will, without any doubt, turn up the energy level of the live show a notch or two…