Adventurous music and things

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We are super excited that already this weekend on the 26th and 27th of August Summer Bummer has lift off over at the Zuiderpershuis here in Antwerp.
A perfect time also to get your pre-sales ticket(s), you can save up to 6 EUR, available until August 25th at midnight.

> Tickets for 26/8 go here !

> Tickets for 27/8 go here !

> Weekend tickets can be purchased on any of the day links above, just click ‘Order Tickets’ and choose your price range.

Besides the amazing music of GAS (Wolfgang Voigt), Bill Orcutt, Oren Ambarchi, Peter Brötzmann/Toshinori Kondo/Heather Leigh, Martin Küchen/Steve Noble/Johan Berthling, Yves De Mey, Brahmen Raag, Niels Van Heertum/Eric Boeren, Farida Amadou/Audrey Lauro/Hanne De Backer, Julie Kjær/John Edwards/Steve Noble, Poulomi Desai and Elko Blijweert/Frans Van Isacker we’ll have some superb slow food (sloppy joe and sloppy corn sliders, chickpea tofu burgers, slow roasted pork neck etc. …) and a more than excellent and dedicated record fair by people who are in it for the sake of good music…
See you all on Saturday and Sunday, let’s finish this summer in style…

More info, timing and details go here !
Read the Summer Bummer preview by Gunter Van Assche in De Morgen here ! and the preview on the Enola website by Guy Peters here !
Still looking for a superb but affordable hotel during Summer Bummer, get your discount by booking Tryp Hotel Antwerp here !



Vlaanderen Stad Antwerpen DEStudio AB Salon Het Bos TRIX Les Ateliers Claus Rataplan B&B Hotel Antwerpen Centrum VIERNULVIER Kraak De Singer WPML STUK Miry KAAP